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Lisa Telford

Lisa Telford

Soft Tissue Nurse

I qualified in 2010 From Edinburgh Napier University. I was head nurse of a branch practice in West Lothian for 5 years. In 2016 I joined the Hospital for Small Animals at Edinburgh Vet School as a surgical nurse. In 2017 I became the lead surgical ward nurse. In 2019 I became the service dedicated soft tissue surgery nurse and have been with the department ever since. I enjoy all aspects of soft tissue surgery but one of my passions is wound management and bandaging. I completed the Delving Deeper into Wounds course from BVNA in 2017. In 2018 I joined Bandaging Angels lecturing and providing in house CPD to practices in the UK and recently provided a lecture and workshops at UVE 24 conference in the Netherlands. I am heavily involved in complex wound management cases at the hospital which I love!







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